Utilities, gain the insights and contacts that will shape the future of your operations, as the sector prepares for change in response to new regulations coming in 2025. 

Every year, the World Water-Tech Innovation Summit gathers international utilities along with water enterprises, regulators, engineering firms, technology providers and investors to exchange insights on projects and success stories, and solve the most pressing challenges together.

Interested to join? Apply now for a complimentary pass to join us in London on February 25-26, 2025.. (A limited number of passes are available). 

Why Join Our Network?

The personal connections you make at World Water-Tech offer the greatest return on your time, our delegates frequently tell us:

  • Address Operational Challenges

    Explore practical solutions and strategies that address the real-world challenges you face to help you enhance operational efficiency. Benchmark your innovation strategies for complex issues such as climate events, ageing infrastructure, and emerging contaminants with other international utilities through dynamic formats such as breakouts and roundtables.

  • Maintain your Competitive Edge

    Stay ahead of the water competitive landscape with exclusive market intelligence. Keep up to date with industry priorities, successful projects and case studies that can help you maintain competitive services and reduce operational costs, and discover technologies that are redefining global standards in the water sector.

  • Network with Decision-Makers

    Network with water leaders from around the world gathered under one roof. Book meetings and face-to-face time with the partners and prospects essential to your success, supported by the summit app shared by all delegates.

Who Will You Meet?

Be a part of our extensive network of international water utilities and municipalities:

“World Water-Tech is my ‘go to’ event that is always energising, stimulating and very well organised. My company has bought new products and services from people we’ve met there. I encourage everyone interested in the future of the water sector to attend and take part.”
Head of Innovation, UNITED UTILITIES

“The summit offered many of the benefits of a large conference by the quality & relevance of presentation topics covered. But the 1-1 networking experience from a smaller, more engaging environment was a significant plus.”
Head of Innovation, DC WATER

“My participation in this summit allowed me to learn about the different technological solutions that exist to solve day-to-day operational problems in Water Utilities, resulting in the improvement of services.”
General Manager, AGUAKAN

A wonderful gathering of people with great ideas for the future of water. Ideas which can be applied today.”

Apply For Your Pass

Click on the link below and fill out your details in a simple form to claim your pass (worth £1,495)


If you need any more information please contact Louise and she will be touch in due course:

Lousie Crauet
Conference Producer 
+44 01273 789989